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2015-06-29 18 作者: 发布者:  来源:
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    抗 议 声 明 Protest statement


    Today we are very regret and sad about the U.S. Supreme Court’s Same-Sex-Marriage 5-4 Decision.


    This decision by the U.S. Supreme Court has badly hurt the people in the States and the whole countries,who want to keep the truth of traditional marriage and human nature,it has also badly hurt the feeling of Chinese and Chinese Christians!Have the chief justices noticed that your decision is very irresponsible, it is extremely negative to the whole world. To some extent you are just murderers,since you have “killed”the hearts of many people.Your decision will not only be destorying American families, it will be harshly impacting all the people in the world including our Chinese, impacting traditional values of thousands of years, sweet marriage and opposite-sex family life. But we would stand firm and strongly protest on this decision!


    The National Anthem of the United States singing God of our faith,will always bear in mind.IN GOD WE TRUST is printed in the American notes.The time while the United States were founded by the pilgrims ,while the founders of the United States tried all their best to build up the country’s systems and civilizations in the biblical principles,God has been blessing this country so much that it rose up rapidly in a short history time, it has been a blessing for many people around the world.We admire and respect those great Americans’ amazing contributions to our human civilizations. We still believe many countries including China should learn from its advance and civilizations of the United States.


    But in the past decades, since its public school prayers have been canceled, the United States is becoming more and more speaking with deception.It is getting further and further away from the truth of God.Consequently scandals and chaos have been with the United States.Gun shootings in campuses and explosions in streets are splitting this country more and more. And today is an even darker day! If we say Sept 11 is the external injury of this country, Jun 26 would be the internal one—— an expanding cancer cells! If this country won’t repent, the sun of the U.S. Civilization would set down, just like all the dissolute countries in the history——the ancient Egypt,ancient Babylon and ancient Rome. Who can escape from the fate of perish?


    “People do, God see.”The chief justices, the ones who supported in the Same-Sex-Marriage, and President Obama,who has been indulging in it all the time will all be responsible for the consequences against the words of God and against the civilization in the human history.They need to apologize to those who love the human natures and traditional marriage values, to those who are hurt by this decision, and to all the people in the world against the same-sex-marriage.


    We believe that normal opposite-sex-marriage familis are not only cells of society, but also the foundation of civilization.No other achievements can compare with the happiness of opposite-sex-marriage.No other successes can make up the failures of opposite-sex-marriage.We believe harmonious families can make a country prosperous! Strong opposite-sex-marriage families are the foundation of a country,a nation and a society——the only foundation of prosperity, harmony and revival!


    In China we work hard to join Christian faith and Chinese culture together,advocating the goodness combination of the western and oriental family civilization doctrines, to form today’s globe new opposite-sex-marriage family doctrine and culture pattern. We have got a great deal supports from many families. In this way we can strengthen our opposite-sex-marriage families.


    Jun 26 made us to value more of our traditional Chinese family doctrines.That is to revise yourself, to manage your own family, to ministry the nation and to make the world peace. Jun 26 make us to have the expectation of Chinese civilization revival.We suggest the abolishment of the state birth plan police immediately.Stop abortion by force! To implement individual and family rights.We believe that Jun 26 made us to be more obligated to all the responsibilities including protecting marriage, keeping the world-wide standard of family responsibilities. Facing the globe marriage and family crisis, China should rise up to shine and to be responsible!




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